Des Moines Figure Skating Code of Conduct
Please refer to the “Conflict Resolution Form” attached below to file an official complaint with Des Moines Figure Skating Club. This entire document is also on the club’s website at Clik HERE to download a copy of the DMFSC Code of Conduct and Conflict Resolution Form
The Des Moines Figure Skating Club supports a zero-tolerance policy for unsportsmanlike behavior. Its members including skaters, coaches, officials, parents and supporters should continually raise the standard of behavior both on and off the ice. Membership in DMFSC is a privilege and should carry a sense of pride. Participation in programs offered will require that all members accept certain responsibilities.
Should a parent or member not adhere to the above Code of Conduct, DMFSC holds the member, coach, and/or parent accountable and the Board of Directors is empowered to take necessary action. Actions could be as simple as a verbal or written warning up to suspension or expulsion from DMFSC. All decisions of the Board of Directors are final and binding.
Conflict is a natural part of life. Dealing with it in an effective and meaningful way is the main difference between a healthy organization and an unhealthy one.
The DMFSC Board of Directors is committed to establishing solid policies and procedures that can prevent conflicts, and tools to deal with a conflict when it occurs. We believe that effective conflict resolution can help us learn to disagree respectfully, and understand each other better, and to respect everyone in our organization.
The Des Moines Figure Skating Club encourages all club members to make every reasonable effort to address their concerns and resolve their issues(s) with another club member informally before filing a formal written complaint. It is in the best interest of all involved with DMFSC if we are able to resolve our differences on our own, without the need for a formal complaint. Also, please remember the Code of Conduct in addressing these issues privately. DMFSC recommends that the matter be addressed either outside of the ice rink or in a setting outside of the view and hearing of others.
If you are unable to resolve your conflict informally and wish to have intervention by the Des Moines Figure Skating Club, then you must file a formal, written complaint. A conflict is defined as an allegation by a club member or a group of club members that there has been a claimed breach, misinterpretation, or misapplication of club policy or procedure; or a claim of misconduct on the part of another member, a board member or coach. This applies to the DMFSC Code of Conduct, USFS Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics, USFS SafeSport Initiative, DMFSC Bylaws, and Metro Ice Sports Facility rules. The procedure for filing a written complaint is as follows:
Step 1 – Filing of the Written Complaint*
1. Your written complaint must be filed within 14 days of the event in question.
2. The written complaint is considered filed when it is submitted to the President of the Des Moines Figure Skating Club. The form to complete to file a written complaint is attached to this document.
3. The President of the DMFSC will acknowledge receipt of the written complaint to the individual(s) filing the complaint.
4. The President of DMFSC or a designee will speak with the individual(s) raising the complaint and attempt to resolve the issue prior to the process described in Step 2. If the complaint and/or dispute is able to be resolved to the satisfaction of the individual(s) raising the complaint and the individual(s) raising the complaint has agreed not to proceed to Step 2 of the Conflict Resolution Policy, then the President will report the fact that a complaint was filed and the complaint was resolved, to the Board of Directors at the next scheduled meeting.
*If the complaint is being filed against the President or the individual filing the grievance is not comfortable with the President handling the issue, another member of the board or a club member will be assigned to handle the issue.
Step 2 – Distribution of the Formal Written Complaint
The formal written complaint will be the attached form, “Conflict Resolution Form.” Within 15 days of the date that the written complaint is filed, the President will:
1. Provide a copy of the written complaint to the individual(s) whom the conflict addresses.
2. Submit the written complaint to the Conflict Resolution committee, or Safesport committee.
3. The designated Committee will then have 15 days to discuss the matter as a Committee and determine next steps in the resolution process. The resolution process should provide all parties adequate time to submit a written response and/or preparation time in case a formal hearing is part of the resolution process.
Step 3 – Determination of the Committee
The Designated Committee will report its findings to the Board of Directors. If warranted, any Disciplinary action will be determined by the Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis.
The Des Moines Figure Skating Club values its members and believes that immediate termination of membership/contract is appropriate only in serious cases of misconduct. Consistent with this belief, it is the DMFSC’s general policy to correct misconduct before it rises to a level requiring discharge. Accordingly, the DMFSC has the option of using the following progressive discipline process:
Step 1: Verbal Warning
Step 2: Written Reprimand
Step 3: Suspension and/or Termination of Membership
Because some misconduct warrants skipping steps in the process, the DMFSC Board of Directors, following the guidelines stated in the next section, reserves the right to immediately terminate a membership/contract or skip any step(s) in the progressive discipline process. The decision of the DMFSC Board of Directors in this process will be final and binding.
The President of the DMFSC will ensure that only non-involved, objective parties are mediating the problem. In certain cases, to avoid a conflict of interests, the president may substitute one or more members of the designated committee with temporary member/s selected from the board or general membership. Similarly, one or more board members may be requested to not participate in the final voting process. To seek guidance, the President may involve the US Figure Skating Liaison, US Figure Skating Membership Chair, US Figure Skating Committee Chairs, or other Subject Matter Experts.
The DMFSC protects the rights of all parties. This includes but not limited to: non-retaliation to member/s submitting a complaint and the presumption of innocence of the member/s receiving the complaint. Please consider all facts before filing a complaint; a history of submitting non-substantial complaints based on rumors or falsified information may lead to disciplinary actions.
Prior to any grievance being filed with US Figure Skating or PSA, conflict resolution within the DMFSC as defined above must be attempted.
Please refer to the “Code of Conduct” attached above for a description of Des Moines Figure Skating Club’s policies regarding member and parent/guardian responsibilities, course of action, implementation, and disciplinary actions. This entire document is also on the club’s website at
Submit this form to the president of the Des Moines Figure Skating Club. A copy of this form can be found on the Des Moines Figure Skating club’s website, in the Member’s Only section. Only members of the Des Moines FSC are allowed to submit a written complaint.
If a board member is notified of an allegation, he/she must refer the alleger to the President of Des Moines Figure Skating Club as soon as possible and no later than five days after becoming aware of the allegation.
Select Your Position in this Complaint:
⃝ I am the person alleging the misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or abuse. OR:
⃝ I am referring the complaint on behalf of the person alleging misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or abuse. Name:
Name:______________________________ Date:________ Signature:
I am a: ⃝ Club Member ⃝ Coach/Program Director ⃝ Skater
⃝ Parent ⃝ Board Member ⃝ Other:
Phone number:____________________ Cell number:_______________________
Person against whom allegation of harassment, discrimination, or abuse is being made:
He/She is a: ⃝ Club Member ⃝ Coach/Program Director ⃝ Skater
⃝ Parent ⃝ Board Member ⃝ Other:
Using the space below and/or additional attachments, describe the events and/or behaviors that are the subject of the complaint. Include any individuals you have talked to within the club, names of witnesses, as well as dates, times, and locations. Also include references to DMFSC or USFSA bylaws or Code of Conduct or Code of Ethics, SafeSport rules, Iowa State Law, or other rules that you claim have been violated.
Please refer to the “Conflict Resolution Form” attached below to file an official complaint with Des Moines Figure Skating Club. This entire document is also on the club’s website at Clik HERE to download a copy of the DMFSC Code of Conduct and Conflict Resolution Form
The Des Moines Figure Skating Club supports a zero-tolerance policy for unsportsmanlike behavior. Its members including skaters, coaches, officials, parents and supporters should continually raise the standard of behavior both on and off the ice. Membership in DMFSC is a privilege and should carry a sense of pride. Participation in programs offered will require that all members accept certain responsibilities.
- I will not verbally or physically abuse any of my fellow members, other USFS members, USFS officials, Club Board Members, volunteers, or coaches.
- I understand that poor sportsmanship, on or off the ice, will not be tolerated.
- I will continually strive to maintain a positive environment at DMFSC.
- I will abide by this Code of Conduct Policy as provided by DMFSC.
- I will abide by USFS Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics at all times.
- I will model and encourage sportsmanship by showing positive support for all members, coaches, board members, club officers, and other officials during all on and off ice sessions.
- I will encourage my child to treat all other members, coaches, officials, board members, club officers and other member’s parents with respect.
- I will refrain from coaching my child or directing other skaters during any on- and off-ice sessions (excluding parents who are staff or guest coaches at Des Moines FSC).
- I will not verbally, mentally, or physically abuse any club members (including my own child), coaches, club officers, officials, or other club volunteers.
- I will represent myself positively and not undermine the authority of coaches, club board members or officers, officials or other club volunteers.
- I will also read and follow the Bylaws of DMFSC, and all other club policies and directives.
Should a parent or member not adhere to the above Code of Conduct, DMFSC holds the member, coach, and/or parent accountable and the Board of Directors is empowered to take necessary action. Actions could be as simple as a verbal or written warning up to suspension or expulsion from DMFSC. All decisions of the Board of Directors are final and binding.
Conflict is a natural part of life. Dealing with it in an effective and meaningful way is the main difference between a healthy organization and an unhealthy one.
The DMFSC Board of Directors is committed to establishing solid policies and procedures that can prevent conflicts, and tools to deal with a conflict when it occurs. We believe that effective conflict resolution can help us learn to disagree respectfully, and understand each other better, and to respect everyone in our organization.
The Des Moines Figure Skating Club encourages all club members to make every reasonable effort to address their concerns and resolve their issues(s) with another club member informally before filing a formal written complaint. It is in the best interest of all involved with DMFSC if we are able to resolve our differences on our own, without the need for a formal complaint. Also, please remember the Code of Conduct in addressing these issues privately. DMFSC recommends that the matter be addressed either outside of the ice rink or in a setting outside of the view and hearing of others.
If you are unable to resolve your conflict informally and wish to have intervention by the Des Moines Figure Skating Club, then you must file a formal, written complaint. A conflict is defined as an allegation by a club member or a group of club members that there has been a claimed breach, misinterpretation, or misapplication of club policy or procedure; or a claim of misconduct on the part of another member, a board member or coach. This applies to the DMFSC Code of Conduct, USFS Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics, USFS SafeSport Initiative, DMFSC Bylaws, and Metro Ice Sports Facility rules. The procedure for filing a written complaint is as follows:
Step 1 – Filing of the Written Complaint*
1. Your written complaint must be filed within 14 days of the event in question.
2. The written complaint is considered filed when it is submitted to the President of the Des Moines Figure Skating Club. The form to complete to file a written complaint is attached to this document.
3. The President of the DMFSC will acknowledge receipt of the written complaint to the individual(s) filing the complaint.
4. The President of DMFSC or a designee will speak with the individual(s) raising the complaint and attempt to resolve the issue prior to the process described in Step 2. If the complaint and/or dispute is able to be resolved to the satisfaction of the individual(s) raising the complaint and the individual(s) raising the complaint has agreed not to proceed to Step 2 of the Conflict Resolution Policy, then the President will report the fact that a complaint was filed and the complaint was resolved, to the Board of Directors at the next scheduled meeting.
*If the complaint is being filed against the President or the individual filing the grievance is not comfortable with the President handling the issue, another member of the board or a club member will be assigned to handle the issue.
Step 2 – Distribution of the Formal Written Complaint
The formal written complaint will be the attached form, “Conflict Resolution Form.” Within 15 days of the date that the written complaint is filed, the President will:
1. Provide a copy of the written complaint to the individual(s) whom the conflict addresses.
2. Submit the written complaint to the Conflict Resolution committee, or Safesport committee.
3. The designated Committee will then have 15 days to discuss the matter as a Committee and determine next steps in the resolution process. The resolution process should provide all parties adequate time to submit a written response and/or preparation time in case a formal hearing is part of the resolution process.
Step 3 – Determination of the Committee
The Designated Committee will report its findings to the Board of Directors. If warranted, any Disciplinary action will be determined by the Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis.
The Des Moines Figure Skating Club values its members and believes that immediate termination of membership/contract is appropriate only in serious cases of misconduct. Consistent with this belief, it is the DMFSC’s general policy to correct misconduct before it rises to a level requiring discharge. Accordingly, the DMFSC has the option of using the following progressive discipline process:
Step 1: Verbal Warning
Step 2: Written Reprimand
Step 3: Suspension and/or Termination of Membership
Because some misconduct warrants skipping steps in the process, the DMFSC Board of Directors, following the guidelines stated in the next section, reserves the right to immediately terminate a membership/contract or skip any step(s) in the progressive discipline process. The decision of the DMFSC Board of Directors in this process will be final and binding.
The President of the DMFSC will ensure that only non-involved, objective parties are mediating the problem. In certain cases, to avoid a conflict of interests, the president may substitute one or more members of the designated committee with temporary member/s selected from the board or general membership. Similarly, one or more board members may be requested to not participate in the final voting process. To seek guidance, the President may involve the US Figure Skating Liaison, US Figure Skating Membership Chair, US Figure Skating Committee Chairs, or other Subject Matter Experts.
The DMFSC protects the rights of all parties. This includes but not limited to: non-retaliation to member/s submitting a complaint and the presumption of innocence of the member/s receiving the complaint. Please consider all facts before filing a complaint; a history of submitting non-substantial complaints based on rumors or falsified information may lead to disciplinary actions.
Prior to any grievance being filed with US Figure Skating or PSA, conflict resolution within the DMFSC as defined above must be attempted.
Please refer to the “Code of Conduct” attached above for a description of Des Moines Figure Skating Club’s policies regarding member and parent/guardian responsibilities, course of action, implementation, and disciplinary actions. This entire document is also on the club’s website at
Submit this form to the president of the Des Moines Figure Skating Club. A copy of this form can be found on the Des Moines Figure Skating club’s website, in the Member’s Only section. Only members of the Des Moines FSC are allowed to submit a written complaint.
If a board member is notified of an allegation, he/she must refer the alleger to the President of Des Moines Figure Skating Club as soon as possible and no later than five days after becoming aware of the allegation.
Select Your Position in this Complaint:
⃝ I am the person alleging the misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or abuse. OR:
⃝ I am referring the complaint on behalf of the person alleging misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or abuse. Name:
Name:______________________________ Date:________ Signature:
I am a: ⃝ Club Member ⃝ Coach/Program Director ⃝ Skater
⃝ Parent ⃝ Board Member ⃝ Other:
Phone number:____________________ Cell number:_______________________
Person against whom allegation of harassment, discrimination, or abuse is being made:
He/She is a: ⃝ Club Member ⃝ Coach/Program Director ⃝ Skater
⃝ Parent ⃝ Board Member ⃝ Other:
Using the space below and/or additional attachments, describe the events and/or behaviors that are the subject of the complaint. Include any individuals you have talked to within the club, names of witnesses, as well as dates, times, and locations. Also include references to DMFSC or USFSA bylaws or Code of Conduct or Code of Ethics, SafeSport rules, Iowa State Law, or other rules that you claim have been violated.